the Car And Shell Skyscraper: Or Marinetti’s Monster :next gen architecture concept

The Car And Shell Skyscraper: Or Marinetti’s Monster – Suburban skyscraper to eternal bliss of nature, is the concept of skyscapper which caters to provide the answer to the congestion problem experience in the city of Detroit, USA. This new plan comes with recreational and commercial areas and has three main grids in the form of streets, pedestrian pathways, and structure.

the Car And Shell Skyscraper: Or Marinetti’s Monster
 This project proposes a city in the sky for Detroit, MI. The new city is conceived as a vertical suburban neighborhood equipped with recreational and commercial areas where three main grids (streets, pedestrian pathways, and structure) are intertwined to create a box-shaped wireframe. Traditional and contemporary houses and other diverse programs plug in the structure to create a rich vertical urban fabric.

2014 Skyscraper Competition held in US winnersMark Talbot & Daniel Markiewicz

the Car And Shell Skyscraper: Or Marinetti’s Monster : next gen architecture

This design has been featutred as a 2nd winner in 2014 Skyscraper Competition held in US
Designers: Mark Talbot & Daniel Markiewicz
For more info about this stunning city design and its designers go to evolo

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